Green Lake Park

Reviving History and Embracing Culture

Time frame

11 weeks


Experience, Visual, and Systems Designer


Seattle Public Parks (School Project)


Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign // Figma




The Green Lake Park design concept highlights the lake's history, emphasizing the park's water systems, restoration efforts, and the Seattle Native American community's role in protecting water rights and quality.

The problem

GreenLake Park's wayfinding system has become dated and fallen into disrepair. A redesign is necessary to cater to the needs of Seattle's current park visitors, improve navigation, and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the park. This much-loved urban oasis requires a wayfinding solution that not only addresses functionality but also creates an enjoyable and engaging experience for its diverse visitors.


By redesigning theOrientation sign, Point of Interest sign, Courtesy Rules sign, Regulatory sign, and Directional feet/wheels, the project aims to create a cohesive and informative wayfinding system that encourages safe and responsible park usage. Moreover, this project presents an opportunity to inject art, history, and a sense of place into the public space, ultimately creating amore meaningful and memorable experience for everyone who visits Green Lake Park.

The Design Concept

The design concept for Green LakePark focuses on creating a coherent and captivating way finding system that seamlessly blends with the natural surroundings. This includes incorporating elements that celebrate the park's history, the local NativeAmerican community, and the restoration efforts of the central lake.The aim is to provide park visitors with a greater understanding of the space and the various activities it offers while fostering a sense of connection and appreciation for the environment.

The Historical Journey

At the heart of the Green Lake Park design concept lies the captivating story of the lake's transformation over the years. Through thoughtfully designed interpretive signage, visitors will be guided on a historical journey that explores the lake's evolution and highlights the significant events that have brought the community together. This immersive experience will not only educate park-goers about the lake's past but also foster a sense of appreciation for the on going efforts to preserve this natural resource.

Connecting the Native American Community

One of the most crucial aspects of the concept is the seamless integration of the Seattle area's Native American heritage into the park's public art and signage. By collaborating with localNative American tribes, the design seeks to honor their dedication to protecting water rights and quality.This partnership will result in the creation of culturally significant artworks and informative signs that reflect the values and traditions of theNative American community, reinforcing the importance of preserving the lake's ecosystem for future generations.

Design System

Family of Icons

The icon system features a light line weight and eye catching orange hue, creating a kind of visual language that everyone can understand. This way, no matter what language someone speaks, they can easily navigate the park and enjoy its beauty. It's all about making the park accessible and welcoming for all.

Regulatory / Directional Signs

The updated regulatory sign tackles information overload, presenting concise and clear content for visitors. Visitors often have a limited time to read, sousing high-contrast colors to emphasize lane directions and functions helped make this a user friendly design to ensure quick understanding of essential details and improving overall park experience.

Courtesy Rules

The Courtesy Rules sign clarifies Green Lake Park's directional path rules, addressing common confusion. It instructs that those on wheels use the outer lane, moving counterclockwise, while pedestrians and slow movers take the inner lane, free to travel in either direction. This ensures an organized, enjoyable, and safe experience for all park visitors.

Orientation Sign

A crucial element of the park redesign is the updated orientation sign, strategically located on two sides of the lake near a path that connects the sidewalk to the water. This user-friendly map helps visitors locate essential amenities like restrooms and discover various activities around the lake.

Point of Interest Sign

The Point of Interest sign reveals the fascinating history of GreenLake, its remarkable journey from pollution to restoration, and the flourishing ecosystem it nurtures today. Uncover captivating recreational activities, community events, and wildlife encounters that not only bring people closer to nature but also inspire environmental appreciation and a sense of responsibility to protect tour precious resources for future generations.

Family of Signs

Creating a cohesive design system for Green Lake Park's family of signs was essential to enhance visitors' experiences and ensure seamless navigation. A bright orange color was chosen to complement the natural surroundings while capturing the attention of visitors. The primary goal was to establish a playful, friendly atmosphere while prioritizing accessibility, inclusivity, while celebrating the local Native tribes' contributions to the region.


The public art installation featuring three docks at different points around the lake. By incorporating visually captivating and interactive elements, these docks create inviting spaces that naturally draw people together. This not only helps disperse visitors more evenly, but also encourages exploration and discovery of the park's varied landscapes.

This approach promotes a sense of community and connection, while simultaneously enhancing the overall park experience for everyone. With the art docks as focal points, Green Lake Park becomes an even more vibrant, engaging, and social destination for locals and tourists alike.

Swimming Dock

Three 8 x 10 swimming docks, made of aluminum with a resin top and fiberglass safety ladder was chosen for the public art to ensure visitor safety at Green Lake Park by providing a durable and secure platform for swimming.

Dock Construction

Considering the conditions, the decal was developed with marine-grade vinyl, UV- resistant adhesive, and anti-slip features to ensure durability and safety. Since it's placed on a floating dock, it needs to withstand year-round conditions and last for years.

Lummi Dock
Billy Frank JR & Vi Hilbert Docks

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